Drug Dealers Call 911 To Turn Themselves In For Transporting 20 Pounds Of Weed (Video)

You always hear that marijuana can make people paranoid. Well, this may just be the best example of it.

Two guys were trying to transport 20 pounds of marijuana across the Idaho border packed in a trash bag in a dog cage. While doing this, something spooked these guys and got them thinking that they were being pursued by the police. They parked and called 911 to surrender, since trying to wave down what they thought were cops in unmarked cars was not working.

The dispatcher doesn’t clue them in on the fact that cops were not on to them as he actually gets officers in marked cars to go to where the guys are parked. We find out the two guys don’t have any guns or weapons, just a bunch of snacks (of course!). When the cops showed up, the guys were standing outside their car with their hands on their heads and the dog cage full of marijuana out of the car ready to be confiscated. This may have been one of the easiest arrests ever!