This Terribly Annoying Woman Doesn’t Understand The Tesla’s Falcon Doors (Video)

This woman…she’s doing nothing to combat the stereotype that women don’t know anything about cars and driving.

A guy pulled into the parking lot in his brand new Tesla Model X with “falcon doors.”  For those not familiar, the doors open up, not out.  And there ya go.  That’s pretty much the full explanation of how they work, yet this woman’s tiny brain can’t seem to grasp the concept.  She keeps referring to Teslas and Lamborghinis, as if she seems them a dozen times a day and always gets blocked into parking spots because of their doors.

The driver of the Tesla doesn’t help his cause at all, though.  He could have just said, “Yup, they open up!” and driven away.  But since he’s a Tesla owner, he needs to stick around and show off his fancy shmancy SUV and let everyone know how great he is because he owns it.

No one wins in this situation.