Fox Sports Announcer Thinks That Sasquatches Are Native To Saskatchewan (Video)

Saskatchewan getting its name because it’s the home of Sasquatches is a theory fit for a 5 year old, not a Fox Sports announcer. Somehow, Jeff Wade actually believes this, though. During Tuesday night’s game between the Utah Jazz and the Dallas Mavericks, Trey Lyles of the Jazz, who was born in Saskatchewan, was shooting free throws when Jeff Wade went off on a tangent saying, “Of course, that region is known for being home to a lot of sasquatches.”

Would you like to know just how much Saskatchewan is known for sasquatches? Well the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization have a whopping seven sightings on record.  That’s right, seven! Seven is definitely not a huge number, especially when compared to Washington’s 617 sightings.

Maybe Wade should come to terms with the fact that Saskatchewan isn’t really named after sasquatches or that maybe sasquatches should be renamed to something else that is more similar to Washington.