An 18-Year-Old Florida Kid Pretended To Be A Doctor For Months (Video)

This story will probably make you a little uneasy…

An 18-year-old kid named Malachi Love-Robinson in West Palm Beach, Florida (of course it’s Florida!) was arrested on Tuesday, accused of practicing medicine without a license.  An undercover investigation had been going on since January, in part because Love-Robinson was advertising himself as a doctor.  But like other similar stories where these fake doctors are practicing out of their basement or their car, this guy actually had his own office!  And it was a pretty damn sweet office!

His practice offered a variety of services, including holistic and urgent care and family planning counseling.  So he really had all of his bases covered.  He even allegedly posed as a doctor last year and saw patients at St. Mary’s Medical Center for A MONTH!

Love-Robinson has since been charged with a third degree felony.  He has also been ordered by the Department of Health to cease and desist practicing medicine without a license.  Love-Robinson, of course, claims that he’s innocent and everything is on the up and up.