Trump Supporter Arrested For Sucker-Punching a Protester (Video)

A 78-year-old Donald Trump supporter sucker-punched a protester at a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Wednesday, and got arrested for assault yesterday. The protester was a 26-year-old African-American man, who was apparently flipping off the crowd while he was being escorted out.

The Trump supporter’s name is John McGraw, and he told a reporter on his way out of the rally that hitting the guy was the best part of it.  Then he said he might have to “KILL him” next time, because he could have been with ISIS.

Now people are connecting it to what Trump said at a rally last month, when he told people HE wanted to punch a protester.  And back on February 1st, he told everyone to, “knock the crap out of” some protesters, and he’d pay the legal fees.

It came up at the debate last night, and Trump said he doesn’t condone it, but his supporters are angry and passionate and some of the protesters are “bad dudes.”