Mike Row Really Screwed Up When He Met Metallica’s James Hetfield

It’s always very embarrassing when you don’t remember someone’s name, or don’t recognize someone that you’re supposed to recognize…for instance, a big celebrity like Metallica’s James Hetfield.  But that’s what happened to Mike Rowe, perhaps best known for his television show Dirty Jobs and appearances in Ford commercials.

The full story below, but here are the highlights:

Large Tattooed Man: Sorry to interrupt, you’re Mike Rowe right?

Mike Rowe: I’m him.

Large Tattooed Man: I just wanted to tell you I enjoy your shows, and really appreciate what you’re doing for the skilled trades.

Freddy: bark-bark-bark, snap-growl-snap, bark-bark-bark!!!

Mike Rowe: Freddy – knock it off. Bad dog! Sorry. You guys local?

Large Tattooed Man: I live around here, and Sophia’s from Argentina.

Freddy: bark-bark-bark, snarl-growl-snap!!

Mike Rowe: That’s nice. What part?

Sophia: Buneos Aries.

Mike: I was there a few years ago. Beautiful place.

Sophia: It is.

Mike Rowe: So what do you do around here?

Large Tattooed Man: I play in a local band.

Mike Rowe: Cool! I love local bands. What kind of music?

Large Tattooed Man: Rock and Roll.

Mike Rowe: Nice. What do you call yourselves?

Large Tattooed Man:: Metallica.

Freddy: bark-bark-bark, snap-growl-snap, woof.

Mike: Oh my God. Of course. You’re Lars Ulrich. Forgive me. I heard you lived around here. What a pleasure to meet you.

Large Tattooed Man: Actually, my name is James.  James Hetfield.