Big Tuna Accidentally Eats A Live Seagull, Immediately Spits It Out And It Flies Away (Video)

Apparently it’s pretty rare to see tuna so close to land, as they typically stay in deep water.  So when these Spaniards saw massive tuna swimming so close to a dock, they decided to take full advantage and feed the beasts, extending their viewing time.  They threw a fish to the tuna and when the tuna went to grab it, a seagull swooped in at that exact moment.  So instead of grabbing the fish, the tuna inhaled the entire seagull!  But the seagull must not have appealed to the tuna’s picky palate, as it spit it out after just a few seconds.  Somehow, the bird managed to survive the trip into the great unknown and actually flew away!  Sure, the gull’s flight looked a little hampered, but give him a break!  He just went through a crazy near-death experience!