Private School Bus Filled With Feces, Urine And Vomit (Video)

Did you ever in your life think you would have to specify that you would prefer your child’s school bus NOT to be full of feces, urine, vomit and used rubber gloves? These parents probably didn’t think they would have to either, especially after paying the transportation company around $3,000 to have their kids driven to and from their private school on Long Island, NY for the school year.

The craziest part is, the owner of RivLab Transportation, the company in question, not only claims that he did nothing wrong, but that it is in fact the children themselves making this terrible, disgusting mess. He refuses to refund the parents any of their money, claiming that regardless of the fact that the bus was full of absolutely disgusting, literal s**t, the kids got to school safely. The phrase, “Sir, I have to say, a bus full of feces is not safe transport,” is not one we ever thought we’d hear in our world.

What do you think? Could the kids have made such a mess? Or is the owner of the company the psychopath he appears to be? Let us know what you think!