Bernie Sanders Can’t Stop Calling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer ‘Jake’ (Video)

We all make mistakes. It can’t be helped. We misplace something, we’re late for a meeting, we forget someone’s name. But most of us are smart enough not to CONTINUALLY call someone by the wrong name, let alone do it in a news interview. But wouldn’t you know it, that’s exactly what unrelenting Democratic nominee hopeful Bernie Sanders did just recently while talking to Wolf Blitzer on CNN. Or Jake Blitzer. Close enough.

Not only did Sanders refer to Wolf by the wrong name multiple times, he also wouldn’t stop saying his name! Come on!  If you already know you can’t remember his name, just stop saying it. There is no reason, Jake, to keep calling someone by their name, Jake, even in an interview such as this, Jake! Come on, Jake! Get with the times, Jake! Or at least work on your interview skills.

Watch the interview for yourself, Jake! Come on, Jake. You don’t want to miss this one.