High School Football Coach Fired For Punishing A Player For Bullying A Teammate (Video)

A high school football coach has been fired for punishing a child for bullying another student. From the information available, it seems as though all he did was make the kid run laps for being a jerk. On the surface, this seems like a perfectly reasonable punishment, given the context, but apparently the parents didn’t agree. The coach was suspended and later fired for his “misconduct.”

The coach has come out and said that if his child was being a bully, he’d be perfectly fine with another coach taking the same action. Another mother has pulled her child from the team, stating astutely that the school is setting a precedent that bullying is acceptable.

On the other hand, the football coach is a football coach, and has a shaved head and an aggressively-shaped goatee, so maybe he actually gave the kid a swirly or something.