Watch A Man Get Stung By A Tarantula Hawk, The World’s Second Most Painful Sting (Video)

Coyote Peterson is back at it again! This time he’s facing off with the nasty tarantula hawk. In case you don’t live in the desert, a tarantula hawk is the largest wasp in the U.S. It hunts tarantulas. It stings them to paralyze them, then lays an egg on top of them in their own burrow. When the egg hatches, the larvae eats the paralyzed, still alive tarantula, because nature is void of love and existence is meaningless.

This isn’t the grand finale for Coyote. This is only the SECOND most painful insect sting in the world.  He’s still got the bullet ant to tick off the list. The way he handled this, he should be able to handle the bullet ant. But watching him weather this frontline attack from a tarantula hawk makes us all cringe in agony. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been stung or bitten by?