Would You Consider A 10-Year Marriage Contract Instead Of A ‘Traditional’ Marriage?

10 year

Until death do us part…or until our ten year contract is up and I can’t stand you anymore.

Ten-year contract negotiations are a new idea proposed to somehow improve the quality of marriages. When couples get married, they will negotiate what they both want within a ten year span and what the plan is. If they make it to ten years, they will sit down, reevaluate and see if they still want to be together, want to renegotiate their wants/needs, or discontinue their marriage and see it as a learning experience.

This at first seems like something out of a strange society where people plan for divorce before the good stuff’s even started, but it’s actually trying to end the negative stigma surrounding those who couldn’t be married “forever.” Of course, divorce isn’t ideal, but this idea isn’t terrible.

Source: The Sun