This Is Why You Don’t Propose Next To A Waterfall (Video)

Note to all men: try to avoid proposing anywhere near a place where, if the ring is dropped, it could be lost forever. This includes, but isn’t limited to: a beach (sand and water can be tricky), anywhere near sewer or sidewalk grates (explains itself) and ESPECIALLY not on a rock in the middle of a waterfall!  As romantic as it sounds, basically anything to do with water is not something you want to mess with when giving your significant other an expensive ring.  And this couple learned that the hard way when they got engaged by a Maryland waterfall.  Isaiah proposed and Grace said yes, but the ring must’ve said “NOPE,” because not only was it dropped but it bounced into the water. 

The ring wasn’t recovered, but luckily the couple is laughing about it now.  Here’s to hoping Isaiah had insurance on the ring to help this be a bit less of a financial blow.