Old Man Draining Free Throws Upstages Bro Doing An Impressive Fitness Maneuver (Video)

Don’t you just hate it when you’re doing something super sweet that you’ve worked hard to perfect, only to be upstaged by some dude doing something much less impressive?  Yeah, us too.  But it’s fun to watch when it happens to someone else!

In the video below, some fitness bro no doubt took months, if not years, perfecting this odd maneuver.  He stacked a ton of dumbbells on top of each other, end to end, then climbed up on top of them and did a handstand about 10 feet off the ground!  Holy crap!  That’s insanely impressive!  But what’s even more impressive is the old man in the background of the video who appears to be draining free throw after free throw EFFORTLESSLY.  He’s the real star of the show!

Well done, old guy!