Starbucks Barista Begs People Not To Order The New Unicorn Frappacino (Video)

Unicorns.  Those famous mythical creature that can s**t sparkles and fart rainbows.  But the new Unicorn Frappucino from Starbucks?  Not so much.  In fact, they have at least one barista losing damn his mind.

19-year-old Braden Burson, is a barista at Starbucks and says that making the new drink is pure hell.  He says that the beverage is so popular that it makes creating the drink horrible and very sticky.  He says that the drink is delicious and all, but having hoards of people come in and order the drink all at once is way to much to handle.

Starbucks released a statement stating that they plan to get in contact with Burson in order to find out how making the drink could be made easier.  But as of midday yesterday, they had not yet contacted him.  So yeah, he’ll probably end up getting fired for this rant. Sorry Braden.