Oklahoma Teacher Outs Herself For Having Heroin Needles In Her Purse At School (Video)

Most people look up to teachers as role models.  They’re the ones that you look to as an example of the right thing to do.  But unfortunately, just like every profession, there are a few bad apples when it comes to teachers.  This Oklahoma teacher is definitely one of them.

Her problems started when she was having a Facebook conversation on her coworker’s computer at the school and forgot to close it when she was done.  Her coworker looked at the conversation and saw that the teacher was discussing selling drugs and pawning off electronics that belonged to the school!  Well, that’s all it took for the other teacher to alert the authorities.

The druggie teacher was arrested on Monday and when she was searched, over a dozen needles used for heroin, as well as meth and cooking spoons were found.  She’s also accused of pawning school iPads and stealing $125 in field trip money.

This teacher taught everyone an important lesson.  Teachers aren’t always the smartest ones in the room!