GMA Awkwardly Jokes Their Way Through A Segment About A Very Serious Book (Video)

John Green, author of the hit book, The Fault In Our Stars, has written a new book!  Good Morning America revealed the cover of the new book yesterday, and also revealed that they don’t research anything and become bumbling teenagers when riffing off the cuff. What is the book about? A host describes it as “Something about a woman and a billionaire and searching for God, I don’t know!” It seems as though she read the book and it wasn’t a very good read, when in reality, she didn’t know anything about it!  Another host then went on to make a reference to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and everyone got a good laugh about it.

So what’s the big deal?  Well, the book is about mental illness and is a pretty serious read.  So there’s that.