A 13-Year-Old Girl Got An Escort’s Old Phone Number And Her Mom Is Pissed! (Video)

If you’ve ever had to get a new phone number, you know what a pain it can be. For weeks, you probably received phone calls and texts for the person who used to have that number.  Pretty annoying. But what if the person that used to have your new number was an escort? Well now…that would make things interesting! And that’s just what happened when a woman got her 13-year-old daughter a phone so she could keep in touch with her while serving in the National Guard!

After getting a phone for her daughter, Monika Takahashi was alerted by her 13-year-old daughter Kylie that she was receiving sexual texts from men for someone named Pebbles. After a little research online, Takahashi discovered that her daughter’s phone number used to belong to an escort with that name. That’s inconvenient. T-Mobile issued her a new phone number, but Takahashi doesn’t think that’s enough. She thinks that T-Mobile should do more to ensure that something like this doesn’t happen again in the future.

So if you are a T-Mobile customer, don’t be surprised if you need to answer questions about your morality and extra-curricular activities next time your contract is up!

Source: CBS Chicago