Homeowner’s Association Says That A Man Can’t Keep His World War II Tank In Front Of His House (Video)

What is this world coming to when a man can’t keep his awesomely-restored, fully-functioning World War II tank parked in front of his house? It’s going to hell, that’s what!

Last year, Tony Buzbee, who lives in the Houston area, spent $600,000 on an old World War II tank. He purchased the tank overseas and brought it to his home in the River Oaks neighborhood, and that’s where the problem began, when Tony’s homeowner’s association said he couldn’t keep it in front of his house. Now, in their defense, he did park the thing on the side of the road and it being a tank and all, it takes up a bunch of the road. So they told him to move it. Buzbee basically just replied by saying, “Nope” and has refused to move the tank. He eventually plans to move it to his ranch in east Texas.

The problem is there is no action they can take,” Buzbee said. “They can ticket it or they can try to tow it, but the truth is unless I decide to move it, it’s not going anywhere.” That’s a man who’s standing his ground right there!

Source: KHOU