This Mom Just Wants Her Son To Help Kill A Spider, Except It’s Not A Spider…(Video)

This mom just really needed her son’s help getting rid of a “massive spider” in the house so she threw a bowl on top of it and handed her son the broom.

Her son has no clue what the creature under the bowl looks like so when his mom tells him to lift the bowl to see what’s under it he doesn’t want to get scared and break the bowl.

Finally he lifts the bowl and instantly goes, “Mom that’s my craaab.”  It’s honestly kind of cute, especially when he bends down to pick up the crab and it’s name is “Crabby.”

The only annoying things about this video are, for one, how can she mistake a crab for a spider? Also, why does she feel the need to baby-talk her grown son?

We’ll never know but we’re glad Crabby is alright.