Foul Ball Throwback Family Speaks Out (Video)

So we’ve all seen the video now where there’s a couple at game five of the Astros versus Dodgers series and when the woman catches a foul ball a guy near them throws it back.

Everyone was shocked and the guy, Kirk Head, has been painted as something of a villain but the secret is that woman he took the ball from is his sister-in-law and neither of the two are actually mad at all. It was all planned! The only thing she’s mad about is that she didn’t get to throw it back herself!

Turns out, the group didn’t want to catch the ball because it was a Dodger’s home run and as Astros fans, they didn’t want it. Head had actually been talking about doing it for days and was hoping to catch the opposing team’s ball!

So another happy family has a fun day at the ball game, they caught (and threw back) a home run ball and Head says he will make it up to his sister-in-law!