New York County Legislator Freaks Out On A Cop Over A Speeding Ticket (Video)

A New York County Legislator had one of the biggest, most melodramatic meltdowns over a speeding ticket causing her seemingly simple traffic stop to last about half an hour.

While the officer was trying to explain why he pulled her over for going 43 mph in a 30 mph zone, Ulster County Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky immediately began sobbing. Hysterically, she explained she was late for a meeting and begged to not be issued a ticket because she couldn’t afford it.

While patiently trudging through her tears and excuses, the officer tried to explain but was interrupted. Seriously, if you could take a shot every time he was able to finish a sentence, you would have taken zero shots and would not be drunk enough to even watch this insufferable woman.

Throughout the encounter, Berky had a panic attack, claimed she had PTSD, complained about the convenience of the stop, and even told the officer she did not feel safe. The officer, who is honestly a saint for how patient he was.

He tried to make her life a little easier by giving her a ticket that would cost her less but she was still throwing such a fit he ended up giving her the original speeding ticket for 13 over.

Berky has since apologized and we certainly hope she did have to pay the ticket because someone’s got to teach her how to act like a grown woman. Maybe we should have Steve and Maitlynn teach her a thing or two about how to be let off with a warning!