Conjoined Twins Defied The Odds And Even Have Some Amazing Abilities (Video)

Krista and Tatiana Hogan are a modern marvel living in British Columbia but the fact they are conjoined twins isn’t the only amazing thing about them.

As twins conjoined at the head, these girls were estimated to only live maybe 24 hours at birth but have made it 11 years and they seem just as happy as any other kids!

By being conjoined at the head, the two girls actually share a brain, or rather, their brains are connected. This gives them all kinds of seemingly mystical abilities.

They share the senses of touch and taste. Tatiana can see out of both of Krista’s eyes and controls three arms and a leg, while Krista can only see out of one of Tatiana’s and controls three legs and an arm. They can also switch to self-control of their limbs.

The girls also know each other’s thoughts and can have entire conversations in their heads.

Despite having diabetes and epilepsy, the girls are still just as active as other kids and are surrounded by many other siblings and family members.

We can only imagine what life is like for these two but man, it’s amazing!