Florida Man Faces Eviction Because Of His Emotional Support Squirrel (Video)

Ryan Boylan rescued a squirrel last year after Hurricane Matthew and now he and Brutis are inseparable.

Inseparable, that is, until Boylan got a notice from his condo association saying to get rid of the squirrel or he will have to move out.

The problem is that Brutis is considered an emotional support animal for Boylan who suffers from PTSD. Attorneys say Boylan never actually submitted the correct paperwork, but he does have the squirrel registered on RegisterMyServiceAnimal.com.

Boylan contacted the Office of Human Rights, claiming discrimination and they sent a letter tohis condo building, highlighting the fair housing act that protects emotional support animals.

The condo association is still on the fence about kicking the squirrel or Boylan to the curb but did say the wild animal should be free.

We just wonder if he would be able to get his emotional support animal on an airplane? And also what the heck made him decide on a squirrel, of all things?