Breaking: A Bride Missed Her Cocktail Hour Because She Was Stuck In An Elevator (Video)

Clearly this is the most important news you will hear all day so hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen and bear with us.

A bride missed her cocktail hour at her own wedding because she was stuck in an elevator just four-feet shy of where she could safely get out!

Melissa Rodger was on the elevator with two wedding planners on her way to the 18th floor of the Providence Biltmore to join her guests and her newlywed husband for the party!

Rodger says she felt the elevator stutter a little and then completely stop. About five minutes went by when she realized something was wrong.

It took 45 minutes, firefighters, a real group effort, and finally the elevator technician to get the elevator going and get her out, just in time to start the reception only 20 minutes late.

Thank heavens because man, if she would have missed the reception too this would be some Earth-shattering news.

Source: ABC 6 News