Kids Are Now Balancing Things On Their Fingers Outside Car Windows But Hey, At Least They’re Done With Tide Pods (Video)

At least we know it doesn’t take much to amuse teenagers today! Who needs drugs and parties when you can eat Tide Pods and now, apparently, just balance things on your finger out a moving car’s window!?

Yup, the new trend for teens is to just take any kind of object from a cracker, to a flip flop, or even a burger, stick it on your finger while the car is moving and stick it out the window! Because of the air flow from the car driving pushes back on the object, your finger holds it in place and you can pretend to “defy gravity.”

We guess it’s pretty neat but don’t understand how it can be trending…those darn kids.

People may worry the new trend will increase littering but have no fear, because at least the kids in this video said when they dropped a burger they turned around and picked it up! They said they hate littering!

So the same generation that ate laundry soap, are also gravity-defying environmentalists? Sure, we guess we can live with that.