Woman Fined $500 Over A Free Delta Airlines Apple (Video)

Well Crystal Tadlock thought Delta was giving her a free apple on her flight back to the U.S. from Paris, little did she know that apple would end up costing her about 500 dollars!

Tadlock said towards the end of the flight passengers were given free apples in Delta bags, which she decided to keep in her carry on for her connecting flight.

Seems like it wouldn’t be an issue, especially considering the bags literally had Delta logos on them, but of course airlines found another way to completely screw someone!

Once Tadlock got to customs her bag was randomly selected to be searched which is when the free apple was discovered.

“He had asked me if my trip to France was expensive and I said, ‘yeah.’ I didn’t really get why he was asking that question,” Tadlock said to Fox 31. “Then he said ‘It’s about to get a lot more expensive after I charge you $500.'”

Because the fruit was “undeclared” the customs agent decided to forgo any human decency and understanding and be a jerk over an airline-approved apple.

Tadlock could also lose her “Global Entry Status” which can make it harder for her to get clearance in and out of the U.S.

Yup, all of this over a piece of fruit. It better be the best damn apple of young Tadlock’s life because it’s definitely costing her now!

Source: Fox News / Video Source: CBS Philly