YouTube Vlogger Crashes Into Semi Truck While Live Streaming His Drive (Video)

David Slavitt, 33, was airlifted to the hospital with blunt force trauma after live-streaming his afternoon commute and crashed into a semi.

Slavitt, known on YouTube as “laneduckg” was driving around and using his phone to film and stream himself BS-ing about his day and his plans for later.

While he was distracted he actually blows through a yield sign and you can actually see the truck he ended up hitting as a result in the reflection of his sunglasses.

The live stream continues as you hear a horrifying scream as Slavitt is T-boned by a semi truck.

Lucky for Slavitt he did and will survive the crash and was the only one hurt in the accident but officials are using it as yet another example of the dangers of distracted driving.

We wish we could say “well this idiot brought it on himself” but we’re not that insensitive…sometimes.

Source: Inside Edition