Two Inn Workers Rushed To Hospital After Eating Chocolates Left Behind By Guests That Turned Out To Be Edibles (Video)

You know, we would say “how do these people not know better than to eat food left behind in hotel rooms?” but we’re in the business of honesty and we’ve all been there. Even if you haven’t actually eaten some random food you found, you can’t say you never thought about it!

Well these two inn workers did what they probably shouldn’t have done and ate some chocolates they found left in previous guests’ room! Sure, sounds harmless, but the couple of what they thought were malted milk balls actually turned out to be marijuana edibles!

The two ended up unconscious and sent to the hospital and now the hotel is reminding its staff to not eat food left behind by guests.

We’d totally agree but sometimes you just have to let loose and unleash your inner raccoon even if that means you make like Free Beer and steal leftover pizza from the a hallway.

Find the full story and video here!