Public Official Shows Up To Court In Clown Costume To Fight $10, Year-Old Seat Belt Ticket (Video)

We guess for this Washington County Board Member, it’s more about the “principle of the thing” than anything because he is not giving up his $10 no matter what. Even if it takes a clown costume, apparently.

About a year ago, Mark McCune was pulled over for not wearing a seat belt. As dashcam video from the stop shows, McCune said he was, in fact, wearing a seat belt but didn’t have it all the way up due to “shoulder issues.”

McCune was still written a ticket for $10 which seems like it would be easy enough to just go pay and get out of the way, but no. He’s fighting this until he’s red in the…nose?

When it came time to fight his ticket in court, McCune decided to give the establishment the finger, or at lease a couple oversized shoes, by showing up to court in a full clown costume.

This, of course, had the effect we’re pretty sure McCune wanted when the judge was pissed, calling the county clown’s actions “insulting” and actually passed the case over to someone else because he was so angry.

So just remember, kids, if you want to get out of anything just dress up like a clown because people love clowns and nothing bad has ever happened with those..right?

Source: Fox 6 Now