Guy Runs On Tarmac In His Underwear And Climbs On Wing Of Delta Plane At Atlanta Airport (Video)

Why people choose airports and airplanes as the places they want to act like a damn fool, we’ll never really know. We all know, it’s really never ended well for anybody!

There was lots of confusion and just general curiosity recently when a 19-year-old man ran out onto the tarmac of the Atlanta airport in his underwear and harassed a plane that had just landed from Miami.

Video from one of the passengers on the plane shows 19-year-old Jhyrin Jones running across the field and up to the plane in his underwear.

He also climbed up on the wing and was banging on windows trying to talk to passengers.

Jones was arrested and it was confirmed through the investigation he jumped a fence to get out there. The FAA also confirmed the incident forced the runway to shut down.

Now Jones is facing charges for trespassing, indecency and obstruction and people everywhere get to point and laugh at his idiocy, so that’s fun.

Source: 12 News Now