Woman Finds Almost 50 Brown Recluse Spiders In Her Room, Landlord Tells Her It’s Normal (Video)

So most spiders basically came just straight from Hell but the one spider that was handcrafted by the devil himself is the Brown Recluse.

One of the most dangerous venomous spiders in the world, the Brown Recluse is not something to F with and certainly is not something you want in your bedroom.

Well lucky for Angela Wright of Brentwood, Tennessee not only did she suffer from dangerous bites from the horrifying creatures and find about 50 in her apartment but her landlord isn’t really doing much to take care of it.

Wright woke up with pain and bumps on her arm and was rushed to the hospital a few days later.

The apartment complex sprayed her place but the spiders came back so Wright was done and decided to try to break her lease.

Her landlord told her “We’re never going to get rid of them. It’s just part of Nashville and the south in general.”

So, yeah, if 50 dangerous spiders show up and want to be roommates, apparently that’s just part of life and you should just let them have your apartment.

Source: ABC 13