Family Charged $800 For Using ER Sink To Wash Gasoline From Daughter’s Eyes (Video)

A Vegas family had to take their daughter to the ER when she got gasoline in her eye, but when the eyewash station in the ER was too dirty to use they sent her to a plain ol’ sink and then later sent a bill for $800.

Brianna Lee was getting a lesson from her parents on how to pump gas when she ended up getting some in her eyes (some teachers, huh?)

Lee’s parents ended up running her into the gas station and using their eye wash station and then rushed to the ER.

There, the eyewash station was not fit for patients to use and so they ended up having to use water and the doctor basically ignored them after that.

Now the family says they got “better care at the gas station” and are extremely confused or annoyed that the doctor charged them more than $800 for his services (or lack thereof).

A hospital billing expert says it’s a common thing she notices in her investigations called “upcoding.”

Really, they could have probably skipped the whole run-around and just gone to Hot Wings’ house and used his top-of-the-line eye wash station!

Source: KNTV