Recently Exposed Secret TSA ‘Quiet Skies’ Program Slammed Because ‘Air Marshalls Be Creepin’ (Video)

If you get fidgety in airports, sweat a lot, or have any seemingly normal nervous ticks or anything, you may have been creeped on by TSA!

Recently, it was revealed that the TSA has had a secret program called “Quiet Skies” which allowed airport security to track ordinary travelers not suspected of any real crimes.

Agents watch for very specific behaviors and then work with another intelligence agency to get people who exhibit those behaviors on a watch list where they are then tracked.

Over the eight years of the program, thousands of genuinely innocent people have been tracked and on a specific watch list for doing things as simple as sleeping just the right amount.

We all will still probably never know if Quiet Skies has prevented actual terrorist attacks or not but some agents have said they are not sure if the program is worth it.

So we guess we should all either feel safer knowing they’re being so extra-cautious or if we should be concerned that because we blinked three times in a row going through security and now we’re on the list.

Let’s just get to the flying cars that were promised to us here in the future because flying just sounds worse and worse every day.