Hundreds Of Hungry Mystery Goats Randomly Appeared In Idaho Neighborhood And Chomped On Everything (Video)

Early this past Friday morning, a neighborhood in Boise, Idaho woke up to hundreds of mysterious goats just roaming around, eating everything in sight…

If you don’t know what goats like to eat, basically anything that exists anywhere and nice neighborhoods with what is, to them, an all-you-can-eat buffet of all the best plants and flowers!

These over 100 goats were literally just moseying around, enjoying the beautiful day when an animal control truck showed up.

The goats still had the last laugh, though, because the truck was way too small to haul all of them!

Eventually a company called “We Rent Goats” came along (would you expect anything less in Idaho?) and was able to round up all the goats and peace was restored in the neighborhood.

It’s really too bad the people in the neighborhood couldn’t just suck it up and live in peace with their new neighbors! It couldn’t have been that baaaa-d!

Source: Mediaite