John Daly Recalling His Most Memorable Shot Is The Most John Daly Thing You’ll Ever Hear (Video)

Let’s be real here, John Daly just looks like he knows how to party, he’s the king of cool pants on the course!

It helps that Daly is also a pretty decent golfer which makes him an all-around, pretty awesome dude!

When they asked about his most memorable shots, they meant on the course, but Daly decided to tell the story of the time he bet a random guy at the bar $200 over some shots of Jack Daniels.

According to Daly, he came across a man who said he could out-drink the print-panted party golfer. So, Daly had him put his money where his mouth is and said he could take five shots of Jack before the other guy could even finish two.

And that’s how Daly made $200 and somehow remembered this “most memorable shot.”

Source: Fore Play Podcast [Barstool] (Twitter)