Helena, Montana Parks Department Needs Your Help Finding Their Sasquatch (Video)

We know what you’re thinking and we know ‘squatches ain’t real so don’t get your panties in a wad over it, but the parks department in Helena, Montana needs help recovering their stolen mythical creature!

The parks department had a cardboard cutout of Bigfoot himself stationed on the old, dusty trail as a way to encourage people to get out and explore the wilderness (and take selfies) that has now come up missing!

Parks and Recreation employees originally did worry about people tampering with the sasquatch but figured cable locks and zip ties would make it all okay…until now.

It’s okay, though, there is another cutout in existence and it’s super easy to find! You all just have to climb Mt. Helena! Easy-peasy!

But for real, though, if you know any info about the sasquatch’s whereabouts you should help them find him.

Source: KTVH (Helena, Montana)