Think Ghosts Are Real? Inside Edition Is Here To Make Believers Out Of All Of Us (Video)

A personal trainer in England thought he saw a ghostly figure in a video he took at Hurst Castle saw he went back and got even more than he expected!

Tony Ferguson, 33, went back to Hurst Castle recently wanting to see more of what he thought was a spirit he had caught on camera before.

When Ferguson was making the rounds at the castle and said he felt something watching him the whole time. It wasn’t until he looked back at the footage that his suspicions were “confirmed.”

*wooo ~ spooky*

Upon playback, he noticed a figure popped up in a window that Ferguson later confirmed was part of a tunnel too long for anyone to make it to for a quick prank.

If that doesn’t make you a believer, don’t worry, because Inside Edition has a few other spooky treats (or tricks, whatever you think) for you to indulge your ghost-chasing self into!