This Song About Mount St. Helens Blowing Up Is Way To Upbeat But A Total Earworm (Video)

WARNING: Mount St. Helens is about to blow up. But don’t worry, folks. It’s going to be a fine swell day, at least, you believe what the song says!

We’re not sure why this song is a thing at all, but that doesn’t really matter. It was written by a man named Bill Wurtz, whose YouTube channel is filled with bizarre, short clips, such as “backwards hangman,” “maybe I could eat blades of grass” and “hi I’m Steve” and all of them are super weird. But be forewarned: you’ll probably spend at least an hour clicking around on his channel!

But back to the Mount St. Helens song. We can only hope that in the face of utter disaster like this, we’ll be as upbeat and cheery as Mr. Wurtz!