New Jersey Hot Dog Shop Getting Roasted By Busybodies Over Employee Tee Shirts (Video)

The community surrounding this Madison, New Jersey hot dog shop is full of a bunch of busybodies who are not happy about the tongue-in-cheek employee shirts. Apparently the shirts employees at Weenies wear are just the worst things in the world and might as well have F-bombs all over them all because of a barely-suggestive arrow. The Weenies shirts in question feature the restaurant logo with the phrase “grab yours here” and an arrow pointing down to their website under it.

It’s funny because the arrow is pointing down so if you have a sense of humor and have better things to do with your time than be outraged over a hot dog shop’s shirt.

The co-owner of Weenies said “We don’t wake up in the morning with the intention of perverting children” and people should “lighten up.” He also said he is not going to back down and we can only assume he is thankful for all of the free publicity now!

Source: CBS New York