Elon Musk Says ‘There’s A Good Chance Of Death’ For Mars Mission But It’s Okay, It’s A Challenge (Video)

Our favorite movie villain and technological genius has hinted as his evil plot and now we are concerned for anyone hoping to go to Mars with him!

Okay, so maybe it’s not his plan but he definitely is not trying to convince people otherwise when he recently told Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei of Axios there’s a “good chance” people will die on Mars.

Musk said he hopes to see a SpaceX flight to Mars in the relatively near future but would it be worth your life?

The trip already would cost “around a couple hundred thousand dollars” as Musk said, but there’s even a 70-percent chance of him going himself so that’s reassuring!

Allen made a joke that the trip would be just another getaway for the rich, Musk very seriously told them people have a higher probability of dying on Mars.

At first that seems pretty obvious, but the fact the man trying to get something like this going is being so blunt about it is concerning!

So, if you like the thrill of near-death experiences and have “a couple hundred thousand dollars” to spare, hit up our boy Elon and see if you become space dust!

Source: MediaIte