North Carolina Thrift Store Advertises ‘Haunted’ Furniture

A thrift store in North Carolina posted an ad about some “haunted” furniture they were trying to sell and it actually increased people’s interest in it!

It was a bed frame and a chest of drawers set but the previous owners said it gave them nightmares and their dogs would not stop barking at it.

The woman who runs the Habitat for Humanity Restore of Rowan County, Elizabeth Brady, said while they are a Christian ministry and don’t say they believe in ghosts or not, she felt it important to disclose to the next owner(s)!

Turns out some people are not afraid of owning the spooky set and this guy and his partner ended up shelling out the $1,000 for it claiming they don’t care it’s haunted and just hope it is a friendly ghost.

Better them than one of us!

Source: UPI