Dog Ruins Mail For Everyone On This Des Moines Neighborhood Block

Daryl Bailey did not receive mail for over a week and when he called the postal service to find out why, they threw it to the dogs!

Apparently, this whole Des Moines block was suspended indefinitely from mail delivery because a mail carrier feels threatened by a few dogs in the neighborhood.

In a statement from a USPS Communications Specialist, there are three dogs there that have repeatedly been a problem, running around unrestrained and showing aggressive behavior. They say animal control has had six calls in relation to the dogs at this residence since September of last year.

Until the issue is resolved, there are various solutions up in the air for this neighborhood, including a cluster box at the end of the block.

Imagine being “that guy” who completely screwed the pooch for everyone in the neighborhood’s mail!

Just goes to show, times may change but animosity between dogs and mailmen is forever.

Source: WHOTV 13