Man Learns Mother’s Body Was Used For Military Blast Testing

WARNING: This story is pretty gruesome…

Remember when we talked about that “Human Chop Shop” in Phoenix? Well turns out the whole situation is a lot worse…

So, the Biological Research Center has been in big trouble lately for the way they have been mis-handling donated corpses over the years but it didn’t stop just at the center.

People would donate bodies of loved ones to science and in Jim Stauffer’s case, when his mother passed five years ago, he wanted them to use her body to study Alzheimer’s.

They thought they checked all the right boxes, specifically, no the body can not be used with explosions.

Well, a reporter reached out to Stauffer with a paper trail sharing that the ashes he was given were not his mother’s and her body was actually used for military blast testing…

Now, Stauffer is among the many plaintiffs in the suit against the BRC and has to deal with a horrific mental image about his mother’s afterlife…

Source: ABC 15