Dale Weed Wants Thieves To Stop Taking Plants From Hemp Farm

An upstate New York hemp farmer, Dale Weed, has been having tens of thousands of dollars worth of hemp stolen from his property and he thinks he knows why!

Hemp, though it comes from the same species, looking and smelling like marijuana plants, is a completely different plant!

People harvest hemp, thanks to its low levels of THC, for use in things like CBD products…which don’t get you high.

Now Mr. Weed, who was destined to know the difference, suspects the thieves think his plants are marijuana plants and that’s why they are stealing his crops.

“It started out with taking 20 plants and escalated to 100 plants. It was just once a week, and now it’s escalated to every day,” Weed said before pointing out how stupid it really is. “To them, it’s worthless. You can smoke a whole telephone pole of this without having any effect.”

Let’s hope once these idiots try to pot down they realize you don’t steal from expert hemp handler, Dale Weed!

Source: ABC 7 Chicago