Bank Of America Says 16 Percent Of Millennials Should Have This Much In Savings

Joining the ranks of things millennials are “killing”, blowing all their money seems to be the latest thing anyone age 23-27 struggles to keep up!

With the national student loan debt crisis, paired with not buying diamonds and homes, saving money seems like it would be an afterthought to adults in this generation, but these youngin’s actually (kind of) have their poop in a group!

According to a new survey by Bank of America, one in six millennials have at least $100,000 in savings.

Money expert at Intuit, Kimmie Greene breaks down how much you should have stashed at each age from your 20’s to age 65 and it’s interesting!

Greene does note, in your 20’s, you should try to live within your means and strive to save about 25 percent of your overall gross pay, though debt repayment counts toward that.

So if you’re paying back your loans or just curious how far behind you are on saving your cash click here!