Say what?

At the part time job I am pretty regularly approached by customers wanting to know “Where is this item?” or “What aisle is X item in?” but randomly I will have someone say something off the cuff to me as I am working. I’ve been told to “Slow down, You don’t want to over work yourself”, “You’re lining them up just for someone to come along and wreck them”, and my personal favorite “Would you like me to take it from the front or the back?”

Other things that have been said to me at the second job:

“Bless your pea pickin’ heart”
“I’d tell her to smile but I can’t tell if she is” (Said to his significant other down the aisle from me)
“It’s okay, you don’t take up much room” (when I asked if I needed to move out of the way so they could  see what was on the shelf)
“You’re gonna have strong arms from that” (I was stocking 2 liter soda onto the shelf)
“You’re a good driver” (As I was pushing a 6 wheeled cart with freight on it down the aisle around people shopping)