Pennsylvania Judge Tells People To Stop Wearing Pajamas In His Courtroom (Video)

Have you ever had to appear in court? If so, what did you wear that day? For most people, it would be common sense to dress business casual. At least some thought should probably go into your attire for such a serious occasion.

A district judge in Columbia County, PA is having an issue with people who seem to be a bit lazy with their wardrobe when when appearing in court. It seems like there’s a growing trend of people wearing pajama pants out in public, which may not be appropriate for some settings. Magisterial District Judge Craig Long says, “Just like if you’re going to church, you should dress appropriately. And we think that if you’re going to court, you should dress the same way.

Because of this, he has posted a sign in the lobby as a reminder, telling people that they are not allowed to wear pajamas in his courtroom. Though this sign is not necessarily meant for everyone entering the courthouse, it is instead meant just for those who are appearing in court. Although it’s not a law or a rule that they can enforce, Judge Craig Long is hoping it will lead to a reasonable change.