The First American Penis Transplant Is Happening Soon! (Video)

The advances in health and science in recent years are nothing short of miraculous.  What was once thought to be impossible is now being done on a regular basis.  Remember back when scientists grew a human ear on the back of a mouse?  Pssh!  That’s nothing!  Now, with the use of stem cells and other science wizardry, the ability to regrow or repair parts of the human body is possible…to an extent.

Take, for instance, the story of a U.S. soldier who was wounded in an explosion.  Along with other injuries, he lost part of his penis.  Doctors and advocates say that the loss of a penis can be absolutely traumatizing, because it affects the sense of manhood.  But now, once they have an organ donated by a recently deceased man, that soldier will become the first American to receive a penis transplant.

This surgery has been done a couple of times, but this will be the first time in the U.S. It involves joining nerves and blood vessels on a microscopic level and the result will be a fully-functional penis!  Urination?  No problem.  Sex?  Yes please!  The surgery could happen in the next couple of weeks, as soon as a donor is identified.

Seriously, all jokes aside, this is INCREDIBLE!  We’re certainly at the dawn of an incredible age.