Spring Breaker Throws Football At Cop Car, Police Send Him A Message (Video)

It’s Spring Break!  WooooohoooooOOOOOOO!

So you and your bros are midway through the semester and need a break.  You head to Gulf Shores, Alabama for a week of drinking, drugs and more drinking.  But those damn cops are attempting to ruin all of your fun!  So instead of leaving the beach like you were asked to numerous times by the police, you decide to grab a football and chuck it at them.  At least that’s what this guy did.  And unfortunately for him, his friends were on hand and recorded the whole incident and posted it to social media where the Gulf Shores Police Department quickly came across it.  They replied by saying:

“Hey Kameron, we found you. Great arm. Bad decision. An arrest warrant has been issued for you. You can turn yourself in at the Gulf Shores Police Department.”

Damn.  Kameron is now back home in Texas and has lawyered up.  He faces a $500 fine and up to six months in jail for his actions.  Side note: Kameron’s got a hell of an arm!